You call me, you beg for me, you wish for me

Yet I am here

My name is Love

I am named Love

From the planet Love

No colour defines me

I am  all colours,

All the colours of your rainbow

I light my heart of Love

I inflame my heart of Light

Small candle in the night

Small lantern in the darkness

Garlands in joy

Only for you


My name is Love

I am named Love

From the planet Love

I am that which is the most Divine

The most beautiful, the most unreal

And yet real at the same time

Honeycomb from the beehive of Love

I am all and one

All and one in the whole universe

From the top to the bottom I radiate Love

I have no form

because I take all forms

I have no appearance

I don all appearances

I am Love with a capital L

In capitals, in minuscules

Cosmic Love, individual Love,

Universal Love, simply Love

My name is Love

From the family of Love

From the planet Love

And I am here for you, for everyone

Star in the night,

Ray of sunshine the day

For those who are able to see me

I am your rallying point

I am your point of anchorage

For the journey of true Love

In the planet Love

On the heart of Mother Love

Carried, embraced by the arm of Love

I am Love and my name is Love

I am named Love

From the family of Love

Honeycomb from the beehive of Love

From the planet Love

And I am here for you, for everyone.


© December 4th, 2005

Association Stéllaire  44 bis, rue Henri Barbusse, 94450 Limeil-Brévannes, France 

SIRET  518 386 271 00010    N° d’association  12016 565,  JO association 0011  annonce n°02310

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