Stéllaire Admin:

Tel : 00.41.(0)79.962.53.40

Training - Consultation - Guidance

Contact us

Who we are

Association Stéllaire  44 bis, rue Henri Barbusse, 94450 Limeil-Brévannes, France 

SIRET  518 386 271 00010    N° d’association  12016 565,  JO association 0011  annonce n°02310

The Chain of the Heart

A Helping Hand

Stéllaire Admin:

Tel : 00.41.(0)79.962.53.40

Information, Volunteering, Donations

«And I’m here,
for you

for everyone»
«And I’m here,
for you

for everyone»

Stéllaire ©2010

All rights reserved

Charitable Works