Becoming active in Stéllaire

Stéllaire is a young and vibrant voluntary organisation whose members are all volunteers. It is expanding and we have a whole set of activities to offer you.

As our team is spread out across France, Switzerland and Spain, we work a lot by internet and Skype. With this means of communication, you can be active in Stéllaire from your own home.

We are looking for volunteers in the following areas: administration, accounting, law, communication, art, IT, translation and proof reading.

By offering us some time:

You can help us develop Stéllaire’s activities and spread the Chain of the Heart’s action.

How you can help us

How you can help us

Support us financially

Through donations which are necessary to successfully carry through Stéllaire’s actions.


Whatever your talents,

don’t hesitate to

contact us !

- Cheques payable to Stéllaire

- Bank transfer :

  Bank : Société Générale, Boulogne Jean Jaures, France

  Account holder : Stéllaire, chez Mme Desjardin, 44 B Rue Henri  

  Barbusse,  94450 Limeil-Brévannes, France

  Account No. : 30003 03760 00050770929 11

  (For France)

  IBAN : FR76 3000 3037 6000 0507 7092 911 

  BIC : SOGEFRPP (for other countries)

Association Stéllaire  44 bis, rue Henri Barbusse, 94450 Limeil-Brévannes, France 

SIRET  518 386 271 00010    N° d’association  12016 565,  JO association 0011  annonce n°02310

Contact us

(click on the link above)

The Chain 
of  the Heart

Stéllaire ©2010

All rights reserved

Chain of the Heart Stéllaire

Charitable Works